Iron County, Cedar City, Utah, United States

A mystery monolith showed up at Iron County, Cedar City, at Three Peaks Recreational Area
Please report any monoliths we may be missing, or update existing ones with new or better information. Thanks!
A mystery monolith showed up at Iron County, Cedar City, at Three Peaks Recreational Area
11th Sep 2021: Monolith is not there anymore.
EXCLUSIVE REPORT FOR MONOLITH TRACKER. From Kawak Cabrejos, Calafell, Catalunya, Spain. After the appearance of a metal monolith on the beach of Sa Conca de S'Agaró (in Platja d'Aro, Baix Empordà) without anyone claiming responsibility, another small metal monument has appeared. in Catalonia. This time, and according to the Diari de Tarragona, in the Alameda de Santes Creus, in the municipality of Aiguamúrcia (Alt Camp). Unlike Platja d’Aro, it is an obelisk with Egyptian inscriptions on each side of the object.
One of the hyerogliphs is the The Eye of Horus, that was often used to symbolise sacrifice, healing, restoration, and protection.
Actualizada 14/04/2021 a las 13:11
El Ayuntamiento de Aiguamúrcia ha decidido que retirará el monolito aparecido este domingo en la arboleda Vidala de Santes Creus, según ha adelantado Canal Reus. La decisión la han tomado para evitar que se estropee la pieza, que no haya masificación en este lugar protegido o pase como en Platja d'Aro, donde primero unos jóvenes lo tiraron al suelo y después ha desaparecido de Parc de l'Estany donde lo habían trasladado. La pieza se instalará este miércoles en una plaza situada en la entrada del núcleo de Santas Creus.
An art installation featuring numerous glow-in-the-dark monoliths.
Qatari desert art installation featuring monoliths
In this participatory experience for four random participants around a monolith, a voice guides you through thoughts and movements. It raises questions about the sociological consequences of social media algorithms. This contemporary sensory ritual is made to be done around every mirroring monolith around the world.
A Webster High school teacher and his students made a monolith for fun and are moving around the city of Webster.
The monolith started to appear around Webster starting on April 30, 2021.
Monolith located on the highest hill in Alexandru Ioan Cuza Park made up from basic metal, feeling pretty light since the base isnt stable and it easily moves when touched.
*Marketing purposes for the Toortizi brand*
The Gerona town of Celrà (Gironès) has dawned this Friday with a mysterious building: a new metal monolith, almost three meters high and very similar to those found recently on the beach of Sa Conca, in S'Agaró (Baix Empordà) or in Aiguamúrcia (Alt Camp).
Smooth silver foil surfaces on both front and back. Metallic paint on the slim sides. Material seems to be made of what looks like insulation foam boards measuring 8' x 4' x 2".
A third monolith, similar to the other 2001: A Space Odyssey monoliths appeared at Woodstock, NY.
10 ft tall monolith appeared in Des Moines, WA, USA.
(Mando'a alphabet Star Wars)
(? = M)
(Maury Island Incident)
A mysterious monolith appeared in the Kazakhstan Desert yesterday..
A perfectly smooth mirrored surface. No scratches, smudges, fingerprints.
An 8 foot by 4 foot by 2 inches flat black rectangular monolith. A painted foil surface constructed of solid insulation foam. It appears to be second in series (see June 10, 2021 Dryden, NY) only reverse colors--black monolith (instead of metallic) with small silver miniliths (instead of black holonic miniliths) with square spaces in the middle.
The written side of the Black Monolith has an alien head with a spoof quote of Ralph Nader's novel, "Only the Super Rich Can Save Us Now!" that instead reads: (Only The Aliens Can Save Us Now!)
August 6, 2021 is the 76th Anniversary of the tragic dropping of the Atomic Bomb during World War II by the United States of America! But could also be paradoxically the technological human event that caught alien lifeforms attention because since then there has been a correlation of increased UFO sightings and abductions of the latter half of the 20th century. Coincidence?
Four days later, on August 10, 2021, the black monolith and metallic monoliths disappeared, which coincides with "The Insurrection of 10 August 1792," which was a defining event of the French Revolution, when armed revolutionaries in Paris, increasingly in conflict with the French monarchy, stormed the Tuileries Palace. The conflict led France to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic.
Piramidal Monolith with looking like Egyptian hieroglyphs inscriptions.
On either side it has no inscription, while on one it has the eye of Isis or Horus - which is clairvoyance - an Egyptian goddess and god. In the fourth side it is possible to be read, in Egyptian hieroglyphic: “What is up is down”, that means “as it is up is down”. It is one of the seven Hermetic Principles of the Law of Correspondence, described from ancient Egypt by the philosopher and sage Hermes Trismegistus. It is a universal law that explains the relationship between the inside and the outside, the top and the bottom, or, in terms of sacred geometry, the rhythmic rotation of the electromagnetic fields of everything that exists.
10/10/2021 - 02:22
Brief review by Kawak Cabrejos, exclusive for Monolith Tracker from Catalunya, Spain:
The monolit is or was real, I talked today by phone with one woman that works in the Visits Office of the Monestir de Poblet. It vanished after three or four days of being there. Nobody knows how or who installed and uninstalled it.
Scientists created a black box monolith in Tasmaniato to record the effect climate change is having on our planet in the case that climate change results in a collapse that impacts the traditional retention practices of scientific knowledge.
This 'monolith' is an obelisk set up in 1975 in honor of the stroke brigade that died in July 1937 when rectifying a section of the Sonora-Baja California Railroad route to save 21km of track...
Another mysterious monolith has appeared just north of Phoenix, reported 12 News. It popped up north of the Phoenix are near Sunset Point.
12 News reported the monolith north of Phoenix.
German artist Niclas Castello created a gold monolith in New York Central Park worth $11.7 million dollars and existed only for a single day, 02/02/2022. This is the only monolith known to have had its own security force.
A metallic painted monolith within the black foam board monolith measuring 4-foot wide by 8-foot high and 2-inch diameter. A 2-dimensional painted rectangle on a 3-dimension rectangle, depth with depthlessness. According to it's Facebook page, this monolith installment is part of ACTII: INTERLOGUE---Transitioning (The Inbetween) From the Old World Order (Separation) To A New Paradigm Shift of Interdependence (Integration). This Monolith is Stage 1: Prelude of the "Crowdocracy Countdown Campaign Triad." (See "Zevin X. Cruz" and his "Integral Activism Trilogy of books called: "THE SUM," "SUM II" & "The Dynamic Decalogue" for more in depth information).
Several years since monoliths first appeared in 2020 a new monolith appeared on a Welsh hill. Locals in Hay-on-Wye spotted the 10-foot-tall block of steel, which is shaped like a giant Toblerone, on Hay Bluff towards where the trig point is, near the Powys town.
A strange monolith has appeared in northern Colorado in Larimer County. This monolith is on the private property of the Howling Cow Cafe. It was removed a week later, on July 3rd, 2024, before the fourth of July, due to overwhelming visitation of the property.