A large metal monolith could be seen in Lethbridge Sunday, December 13. A monolith is a single large block made in the style of an obelisk or a geometric slab. By Monday morning, it had vanished. It could be seen by pedestrians and motorists on the north side of Whoop-Up Drive, east of the Oldman River and just down the hill from the Galt Museum. The City of Lethbridge told Lethbridge News Now they did not set up the metal monolith.
Dates & Classification
Date Spotted
Date Vanished
Questionable monoliths, not confirmed to be knockoffs but likely considering the origin or appearance of the monolith.
Multiple Monoliths
Physical Qualities
Generic Metal
Number of Sides
Three Sided (Typical Monolith Design)
Unfinished surface
Top Geometry
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